5 September 2014

We Don’t Seek Benevolence, But Don’t Malign us Either – Part III (Saf Shikan)

By Xeric
Also published by defence.pk

So, you already have been introduced to Saf Shikan Post; that it is a post above 18000 feet AMSL which is dominated by an Indian post just a few meters away from where the Indians liked to conduct shooting practice, and zeroed their weapons on us casually. Whenever the Pakistani side would thrash Indians even in another sector, they would retaliate by rocketing Saf Shikan day in and day out. Whether some Kashmiri freedom fighters hundreds of kilometers away would hunt down some of their occupiers, Saf Shikan would get the beating without any reason. Even if the Indians would like to test a new High Altitude (HA) weapon, Saf Shikan was there to serve as a soft target. But then this routine was getting old and we had developed some means of our own to tire the Indians of their favorite pastime. When I was up there, and had been on the receiving end for quite some time (atleast twice a week), I along with a few other Officers chalked out a plan which gave Indians a taste of their own medicine, and then they never again targeted Saf Shikan for times to come. Atleast for the many years after I had left Siachen till a cease fire was announced between both the countries in 2003 which is still holding. Though I am not sure how the Indians would treat Saf Shikan once this ceasefire is over as decades have passed since we first provided the Indians with the ante-dote.
            Now you must be wondering why we have to be on the receiving end, always. Well, in mountainous areas like Kashmir and Siachen this is the part of the game. At places you dominate the enemy and elsewhere he would. That’s how operating in mountains is – a spur here with them and a ridge there with you.
            Coming back to Saf Shikan. The 25 x 10 feet area that made up Saf Shikan was cramped by soldiers and some infrastructure that sloped along the length of the post. Movement within the post had to be done while tying oneself to an HA rope or else you risked slipping off into the base of the mountain a couple of hundred feet below. Saf Shikan was a difficult post, not only because it was under direct observation and fire of the enemy or because it was located on a slope, but for a few other reasons that I shall explain shortly.
            Snow, time, kerosene (K-2) oil, ammunition and food are the five things that are abundant at Siachen. Unfortunately at Saf Shikan, this cliché didn’t apply as it mostly remained a bit short on food. During summers (dumping season) the remaining posts were stacked with food, ammunition and K-II oil for the entire year. However, as approach to Saf Shikan was being watched by Indians, dumping by mules was not possible. Consequently, all the items were delivered to the post on man-packed and opportunity basis i.e. whenever we could sneak a few men down to the base.
Food at Siachen is plentiful. Items like honey, butter, dried eggs, tinned meat, fruit and veggies, and certain medicines like Cod liver oil capsules are readily available in abundance. Flavored glucose is also a basic requirement as snow water tastes bitter. However, due to reduced appetite, the fact that we Pakistanis are not used to tinned items and how much honey can one actually eat on daily basis, you normally find people complaining about the food ay Siachen. But then you tend to respect food when you are at Saf Shikan. Unlike other posts, carriage of items to Saf Shikan is limited to what a man can carry at one time. This is further compounded as movement to and from Saf Shikan is also very restricted due to our very vigilant Indians friends on the other side. So, we have prioritized the items that can come to Saf Shikan as; Ammunition, K-II oil, medicines and then rations. Rations too mean the basic items like dhall (pulses), flour and vegetables as luxuries like honey and butter are not desired. Meat too is not cooked at Saf Shikan because at such altitudes, cooking meat means more consumption of K-II oil thus increasing its requirement.
During my tenure there, ammunition was not an issue as we had enough of it to melt half of Siachen. So, whenever the weather and the Indians gave us the opportunity to move a party, we would get as much K-2 oil as the men could carry. Then was the rations. But the maximum we could ask the men, in addition to the K-2, dhall and flour, was to stack some sachets of flavored glucose in their pockets as asking anything more while they were carrying a 22 kilogram jerry-can at a low oxygen area was too much from them. Once when the men were fed up of eating the same dhall every day, I acted generous and allowed them to replace glucose sachets with some fresh potatoes. I was amused to see how they looked with all those potatoes ‘oozing’ out of their pockets. The good thing was that they were happy.
So at Saf Shikan the rule was that everyone would get one roti, irrespective of his rank, along with whatever was cooked thrice a day. Tea was only given during breakfast. No exceptions whatsoever. Now this seemed a bit harsh when compared to the other posts which had so much rations that men would write their names on snow with colored glucose for fun and complained about the ‘taste’ of food most of the time. But then Saf Shikan had its limitations. I remember when once we were short of K-2, we had to eat uncooked dhall for two days. By the way, another trick I learned there was if you are short on cigarettes, rolling used tea in a piece of paper and smoking it would give you the requisite psychological satisfaction of smoking a real cigarette! 

This blog is the part three of a sequel (Part-1 and Part-2).

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